

The ministry of the Latin American Mission Board is to help raise support for the national pastor, his family and his ministry. We believe that missions is the heartbeat of God. It is our responsibility as Christians and our duty as a church to reach the people in their regions. We can reach souls with these men that are called  to preach the Gospel to their own area, in their own language, and with their own culture.

LAMB makes the connection between the local church and the national pastor doing the work.  From time to time LAMB will coordinate special meetings in various Latin American countries. Our goal is to invite teams of people from the United States to join us on missions trips to un-evangelized areas. We hope to gather teams of people to evangelize and create a hunger in the people for God’s Word. From there the national pastor will begin a new work. This will allow you to be more involved than ever before. Those interested can travel to the mission field and see the work first hand. You will be able to preach, teach, and labor in the work side by side with the national pastor.

Different trips may include different types of teams such as evangelistic teams, medical teams, and children's outreach teams.